Business Challenge
Key Features
Catalina Island Conservancy
Responsible for over 40,000 acres of land off the Southern California coast, Catalina Island Conservancy offers visitors a unique opportunity to discover one of the state’s most valued hidden gems. Tasked with educating guests on the importance of maintaining this precious ecosystem, Catalina Island Conservancy also showcases the island’s flora and fauna through its botanic gardens, eco-tours and hiking trails.
The Problem
After an extensive search of different booking platforms, Catalina Island Conservancy chose Peek thanks to its superior customer service and ability to support their multitude of different offerings. As the Conservancy looked to better promote their recreational offerings, they also focused on growing their revenue and increasing guests during normally low-demand periods.
“It really has been a smooth process. There haven't been any complaints or issues with dynamic pricing.”
The Solution
Catalina Island Conservancy turned to Peek Pro’s Dynamic Pricing tool to strategically adjust ticket prices based on historical demand and booking patterns of their customers. By optimizing their pricing strategy through Peek’s Dynamic Pricing algorithm, Catalina Island Conservancy was able to help boost revenue on historically slow weekdays.
With Peek’s help, Catalina Island Conservancy was able to grow their revenue by 12% and 9% on Tuesdays and Wednesdays respectively. Ultimately, the increase in weekday bookings helped drive an overall uplift in revenue of over 6% - despite a 3% decline in the number of guests from the previous summer.
“I’d recommend Peek to anybody. When somebody else gets a new system and it's not Peek, I'm like, what were they thinking?”
This strategic pricing approach not only helped achieve their financial goals but also resonated with customers, who were more inclined to purchase on weekdays and voiced no objections to the adjustments in pricing as a whole.

To learn more about Peek Pro’s Dynamic Pricing feature, check out our Helpdesk Article or schedule a free demo here.